Martha Stewart's Stories of Adak

The Great Clam Escape

Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000
From: Martha Frost

Even though most of the pictures on the website are more recent, and some were too old, for my experience (circa 1952), many of them take me back like a time machine. I was reminded for example, by the photo of Clam Lagoon, of a day in our house in the kitchen, way before "Annie Hall".

My mother had about 8 clams, which were about the size of a saucer. They were white with a little tan and a "gold" lip. These clams were in the refrigerator, and when it came time for them to be cooked, she reached in and grabbed them. They suddenly opened and closed rapidly in her hands, she screamed and dropped them! I was in awe of these things, watching my mother try to sweep them around the frige as they "clapped" at her. It was like a bizarre clam curling eipisode. She won, and we had them at dinner when my dad got home. She kept the shells for many years, but we never had those kinds of clams for dinner, havent seen those kind at at in Southern California fish stalls.

Martha Frost, Southern California

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